yesterday went to kajang to buy prezie for sis' fren's birthday party dh alang2 mcm tu...baik aq pun took the opportunity to buy prezies for my little darlings...yup...
"dear, if u r reading dis...i'm sori for the late birthday was nt dat i forgot bout's juz dat i have to wait for the holidays to get sumthing for u....need it to be special rite???last year kter sme skola kan??kan???have to make it sumthing dat we both will remember...sooo i really hope u'll like it...pnat cri tau..."
ari ni went to jusco plak....bought the newest galaxie(jonas brothers cover)....ama, ur favourite guy is in galaxie...justin bieber's one time in songwords section...the first thing dat came through my mind at dat time...was u....soo get it ahh...
esok..we'll be having chinese new year open house at my place...yup..a few relatives are joining for a pot luck kinda thing.....
dat's it for now!!
Monday, February 15, 2010 time
Posted by B.h.A.v.A.n.E.e at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday, hangouts, happy times:), me n myself
Sunday, February 14, 2010
happy chinese new year plus valentines day
to all my chinese frenz n all malaysians...i wish u guys a prosperous Chinese New Year!!May the Year Of Tiger brings luck, wealth n success in all way....
on top of that.....
i also wanna wish all of u outside there a Happy Valentines Day!!!at last i'm celebrating it at my home...but it's minus daddy....kinda nvr i really wanna watch valentines day the's gonna be great...any dates???
Posted by B.h.A.v.A.n.E.e at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday, happy times:), me n myself
Saturday, February 13, 2010
yup..for the first tyme kne kaunseling....eitt aq x kne kaunseling sbb juz nk tolong kak su....kaunselor praktikal it was kaunseling kelompok....dh dua sesi....both bezz2...
#1 session
-bout peraturan skul yg sucks!!!yup...actually dat very evening...kitorg kne truk glerr kat asrama..there was certain tshirt u cannot where as everyone was burning inside out...we decided to go on with this was bout 45 minutes..kinda perbincangan thing...
#2 session
-dis was one cool was bout friendship cum love cum enemy sort of last sumbody to and sumthing to talk was also something was pulled of my chest....thankie guys...i must tell no more..secreto
i cried many days bcuz of these prob...13/1 was the day all it started....i dun want all dis to happen in my last year....something must seriously wrong with myself coz it is with me dat he's wrong with....i see he's as usual with everyone else...although they feel like he's a changed person...kak chik said i'm CONFUSED with my feelings...they tell me i dun deserve a fren like i would really like to noe y he's doin dis to me????anyone with the answer...pls tell me...
Posted by B.h.A.v.A.n.E.e at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: me n myself, people
20/1/2010(wat ahh??)
byk sgt nk tulis ni...ari tu x smpat....isk..
so came back yesterday...dh start wat omwork...menggunung beb...yup2...went to the clinic to get my nose checked..yup sinus is biggest prob..then went for dinner... today mmg bgn 1pm..bad ahh???biaselah tu...ate lunch at dad had to go to INDIA...for sum reason i dun after dad went to the airport at bout 7++...mommy and us went to McDonalds for our dinner....on the way back bought some nasi gorengs for supper and kakak's dinner.... n now i'm here after long hours doing my homework....
a day to be remembered....definitely...i had a double-blast birthday!!
went 12 am struck...i was at my dorm with the form 1 students...and then cainy asked to teman her to ampaian...i suspected something amiss...coz she never asks to do dat...i thought there was something at the ampaian to scare me off..then anne ask me to follow her to her dorm coz my prezie is there....n i did...didn't i expect dat i will get all splashy and wet on my up the stairs....thanks to ama, mira, sha, yus, jun, zatul, anne, cainy for dat....sumpah it was cold...during school...many wished me..thank u soo much..i breathe through ur prayers...thankie guys...and dat nite....during the nite was soo usual..until wani called me saying dat polan wants to see us...went to db...n it was pitch dark...then i saw a lighted cake....n there they were hiding behind tables n was a shocker....the cake was beautiful...credits to cainy, moja, abe, akmal, angel, wani, dhars, n rohan...the same colour with my kurung dat nite...PINK...we had sum drink n i shooted of to my addmath mentor class....came back to hostel....called parents...n when i went back to my dorm..another shock...another CAKE...credits to dormates n tcher UMI....for the cake.....very delicious..thnak u....n it was great birthday indeed...the last in semesti...
Posted by B.h.A.v.A.n.E.e at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: birthday, celebration..., everyday, happy times:), me n myself, people, pics