yup...i' m currently obsessed with dis soo beneficial kinda entertainments..novels....credits to modengs....i'm currently reading my 2nd malay novel....'CINTA KAU DAN AKU'...credits especially to anne(the reader) and shafina(the owner)...

.:cinta kau dan aku:.
My first malay novel was 'SEPI TANPA CINTA'...for goes to akmal....he borrowed me dis book during the pasca PMR....after futher push from datcainy..i finally read it...dat book was aww...
And now my current obssesion are english novels....again credits to anne and afiq..u guys instill the love of reading english novels especially cecelia ahern's in me....and bcoz of dat i'm now the proud owner of two novels...which are 'THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES' and 'THINGS I WANT MY DAUGHTER TO KNOW'.bought it at the bookfest...thankie mommykins!!!luv u lots!!

pics of the day:
sista with james lee(author of Mr.Midnight)
dat's to ciao....pasar malam is waiting....
me says:today is the 1st anniversary since ABDUL MUIN left us....according to the Islamic calendar...He is deeplt missed by every soul of 3M08 gens and of course 23rd batch of SEMESTI...thankie Addy for remembering me...may his soul rest in peace...
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