so...had to use the laptop as mommykins is using the computer for her work...sbnarnyerr dh lme x gne lappie..tu yg teruja tu.....:D
Bru habis men CSI:Dark Motives...kat sis' nds...but after like 1 hour of mind drooling moments...i finally gave up...nk wat pe....dh stuck!!!isshh...
sis finally hand over the sijil yg nk bg kat pengetua...WHY???wat happen???bkn aper..adik aq yg kechik ni nk ikut jejak kaki kakak dier yg dh berjaya....she wants to study at SEMESTI...u guys can believe it???even i'm trying my best to do so....she's soo determined to study there...if she cum to my skul then the real nightmare starts....will keep my fingers crossed...
so tomorrow will be the final day shopping for deepavali...will only be back for diwali.....but i guess thn ni nyerr deepavali x meriah..coz mom said diagnostik is on 19/10..and diwali will be on 17/10....exactly..i was gonna say that..wat the heck????hw in the hell i am goin to prepare????kate daddy..kalo dpt straight a's..blh dpt handset...tlglah wei...nk handphone!!! plan skul kot xnk aku dpt nset..jg ko skola....mmg x puas ati lorh....hw can like dis???xpelah aq redo jerr..hope i do my besh...okie2..
smlm aderlah sumthing happen to woke me up frm a dream dat was not longer special thanks to AMALINA...thankie gal...u've done it again....ur advice wuz an eye opener...sbnarnyerr rmai yg dh tlg aq...uncountable....bru realise dat actually many ppl care bout me....n soo wat if one doesn't..kan??kan???so aku nk mntk maap ngan smua yg aku prnh wat slh..sdar n x sdar...sorilah..we r all humans kan????x maafkanlah driku ini....

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