finally i got to watch twilight:new moon saga...with sumone who i love n i noe this person would definitely b happy to see the movie with me..rite carmen????:)
it was definitely goin a normal day...okok wait...waking up at 9am from a phone call by carmen..isn't normal????wtf.....carmen called me at about 9am asking me whether i want to follow her to watch new moon together...y would i say no?????i said yes..n asked my mom to send us to mines,which was the nearest mall from my home..
we rushed to TGV cinemas n bought the 2.10pm show...we ate our lunch at The Chicken Rice Shop...believe me..we had a though tyme finishing dat meal...we jln2 a bit more...n the show began....
"i'm telling u new moon is a must movie to watch...i had nvr had the most wonderful tyme at the cinemas before...n thanks to twilight, robPat, taylor, kristen, stephenie meyer n the whole production crew...n especially to my bestest fren....carmen...i wouldn't hav had dat priviledge...the movie was great....E.C.L.I.P.S.E. is coming to the cinemas in June 2010...can't wait for dat one though...ha3..lolx"
after dat..we were sooo exhausted from the shopping thing..n i suggested sumthing fun to do....KarAoKe!!!!yup...carmen didn't want to do it....but finally we nailed it...we juz wanted to do one song..but at the end of the day we did 5!!!if my dad didn't call probably we had done more....i had so much fun..then it was time to go home....carmen came to my house...n i showed her my newly renovated home to her..she loved it!!
what i realised from dis hangout wuz dat...hw dis hangout mean sooo much to us....i done 3 things i loved most with sumone i loved most..dat is movies,singing n needn't sooo much to make sumone's may think what you did is just a small deed.but to sumone it means a lot of de day:
p/s:angel..i'm missing u sooo much..u were all dat i thought when i bought the tickets..
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