Tuesday, November 24, 2009

at home~~~ i'm back at home....trying to figure out wat to do nex...sbnarnyer..byk nk wat tp....bcuz it's lot....otak dh jam....lolx..

juz finished watching's a tamil movie...action +romantic flick...teramat sgt besh....sbb hero tu nsem...6-pack abbs babes!!!!finally got to watch it....akmal..kalo ko tgh bce mende ni....tgk filem ni...surya lakon dlm crite ni!!!k???

smlm abis kem wuz bezz...coz we got to learn new stuffs...bab f5...nerves are wrecking me....spm is getting yg x sronok is that hw it ended......some monkeys in my batch buat hal again!!!!!we dun want them to b here nex year....tlglah faham.....jgn kaco batch 23 lg.....nex year nk spm..x dpt keredhaan cikgu ssh....blajar drpd kesalahan kter mse f3.....batch 23 is of cuz greater without them!!!!so understand u guys!!!!

came back lmbt glerr 11 pm....mmg xde mood langsung nk o9...or update bloggie..byk glerr omwork....folio+handout+concept's ok i've gt another year in SEMESTI!!!

so hw did 2009 in semesti ended???very....emotion filled..of cuzlah cdey kan..but then....gmbira gak cuz dpt blk umah...

many people noticed the difference but why nt u????i can see that our friendship is nt getting any better since dat fight we had..kan???idk....but we r loosing apart....bkn mcm dlu......aku rindu!!!!!!zaman dlu2..kter cikgu rohaya..mse kechik2 dlu....thinking of this makes me cry..bkn nangis sbb laki but bcuz of the memories!!!!!!

..:i noe i'm right:..
..:gud luck with whoever ur wif rite now:..
..:remember 2 nvr hurt dis ppl's feeling...k??:..
..:will b missing u:..
..:will always b loving u:..
..:sori for everything:..
..:thankie for the space for me in ur heart:..
..:at least i had the opportunity to noe sumone wonderful like u:..
..:will nvr hav the chance to find a peson like u:..
..:we'll b frenz rite???:..
..:thank u and buhbye...for now:..